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Agricultural Rooms

Complete room design, which includes all phases of the growing operation: lighting, water, temperature, humidity, CO2, pH—anything you want to control we can.

What sets us apart from our competitors is our ability to control humidity and temperature independently from each other utilizing the same refrigeration system. In colder climates, we are able to redirect the heat rejected from the room into your lab to reduce energy consumption by recycling the heat.

Services We Offer

Our rooms have controlled temperature and humidity ramps to prevent product shock and provide consistent quality. All of our temperature control systems are calibrated traceable to N.I.S.T. All documentation is 21 CFR Part 11 compliant.

The Process

We start with customer needs and size of operation. We take that information and develop a plan to utilize the most efficient way to outfit space.

The Process

We start with customer needs and size of operation. We take that information and develop a plan to utilize the most efficient way to outfit space.

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